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we care about the environment

Sustainable practices

We strive to provide environmentally friendly promotional products and solutions. We validate the origin of raw materials, ensure traceability, and encourage the use of products manufactured in Spain or Europe to reduce carbon footprint. We eliminate plastics from protective packaging or use paper and separators to prevent scratches and damage to the product.



Certified products for sustainable practices with the environment:

  • PLA (Polylactic Acid): biodegradable material made from resources such as, beets, wheat… 
  • Cork: a self-regenerating and highly durable material, serving as a perfect quality complement. 
  • Paper: FSC certified and recycled.
  • RPET: PET is the world’s most used plastic; we use recycled PET for products like bags, fabrics, bottles, writing materials, lanyards…
  • Hemp: fabric made from cannabis fibers, a fast-growing plant resistant to pests that can grow without the need for fertilizers and pesticides. Used for bags, T-shirts, caps, lanyards…
  • Plants / seeds: a way to make a double impact, a 100% sustainable product, and associate your brand with the environment.

CO2: Carbon footprint

We collaborate with the “Trees for All” association, annually donating an amount of €€ calculated based on all transports conducted (in kilometers traveled) to offset the CO2 pollution produced. In 2022, the figure amounted to 200,000 km traveled for deliveries to our customers (approximately 2,000 orders). The donated funds are used to plant trees for reforestation.

Examples of customized sustainable products

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